
Our campaign is about moving Minnesota forward.

It’s about standing up for our neighbors, our communities, and our values that make this state so special.

Let’s create an economy where workers and families can thrive: where we lower costs and make raising a family more affordable.

Let’s ensure that our communities can thrive: where we live safely, have world-class schools, and government is accountable and not infringing on our personal rights and choices.

Let’s fight for the sustainable future we all envision for ourselves: where Minnesota workers are the backbone of strong infrastructure that is built for the future. 

There is so much at stake this November, and I hope to talk with you soon.

A Thriving Economy

Minnesota’s economy is growing, and we need to do everything in our power to ensure that we continue to build an economy that works for Minnesotans. I will continue to advocate for responsible tax cuts for working families, and ensure that the we have more economic opportunity for our growing workforce needs. At the center of a thriving economy is Minnesota’s labor community, and I know that unions help revitalize our economy by strengthening the middle class.


  • Promote job training and retention programs that our skilled workforce and businesses need.
  • Defend workers’ rights – ensure worker’s ability to organize unions in their workplaces.
  • Advocate for responsible tax cuts so more Minnesota families have money in their pockets.

Reproductive Freedom

No politician or government has any right to tell Minnesotans what to do or how to raise a family. Women across Minnesota must have the right to make their own private healthcare decisions, with no worry of government overreach or interference. Every day we are seeing more of our everyday rights eroding, and we must do everything in our power to ensure Minnesota remains a state where women can access every form of care they need.


  • Vigorously defend abortion care and other forms of reproductive healthcare.
  • Ensure that contraception in all of its forms are legal, available, and affordable.
  • Create legal protections for families seeking IVF treatment.

Infrastructure for the Future

The strength and modernity of our roads, bridges, and public infrastructure impacts our economy and the everyday lives of Minnesota families. We need to continue to pursue new, sustainable, and long-term infrastructure projects that will keep the health of our economy, workforce and environment at the center. In all of this work, I will continue to ensure that we support our Minnesota workers and utilize union labor to build a Minnesota for the future.


  • Secure new projects that are designed to meet the needs of the future.
  • Advance policies that make public transportation more efficient.
  • Ensure that our infrastructure is climate resilient.
  • Provide oversight to make sure that our public dollars are spent wisely on infrastructure projects across the state.

Safe Communities

Every Minnesotan deserves to feel safe in their community. I believe strongly we need to fund our public safety needs, support law enforcement as they address crime, and invest in proven violence prevention strategies. I also believe strongly that everyday Minnesotans deserve to be free from gun violence, and that our children can’t learn, work, or live fully without being free from the fear of gun violence.


  • Support legislation to recruit and retain law enforcement.
  • Pass bills to invest in the necessary tools and trainings needed for our law enforcement to be successful.
  • Continue to advocate for common-sense gun violence measures.

Affordable Healthcare

Making healthcare more affordable and accessible is a cornerstone of my campaign. Everyday costs for prescription drugs are too high, and the amount of money spent on deductibles, care, and premiums is too much. I’ll advocate for policies that promote economic well-being and a high quality of life for Minnesota families. No Minnesotan should have to choose between getting the care they need and everyday costs.


  • Expand affordability and quality of healthcare in Minnesota.
  • Stabilize healthcare costs for working families by lowering the cost of prescription drugs.
  • Promote more transparency and accessibility in our healthcare system.

World Class Schools

Our schools and our children are the pride of our community. I’ll be a champion for promoting the well-being of our students, ensuring they have adequate mental health resources and the tools they need to be successful in the classroom. I’ll advance policies that lower class sizes, promote teacher retention, and bring in more counselors to our schools.


  • Ensure teachers and students have the resources they need to be successful in the classroom.
  • Help ensure students with special needs receive the services they deserve by supporting special education initiatives.
  • Take steps to address the childcare affordability crisis.
  • Take action so that young people are able to access “non-traditional” post-secondary education options, including careers in the trades, healthcare, and childcare.

Preserving our Environment

As Minnesotans we take pride in our lakes, rivers, and the wonderful environment around us. We must be proactive in supporting policies that not only preserve our environment, but also policies that support sustainable infrastructure for the future. We need comprehensive solutions to our climate crisis, not only to preserve the natural beauty of this community, but to build an economy and energy infrastructure for the future.


  • Take meaningful action to stem climate change and build climate resilient infrastructure.
  • Preserve the quality of our drinking water supply, our historic waterways, our parks, and the natural beauty of our communities.
  • Advance the well-being and quality of life of our district so Minnesota families can live and thrive in their communities.

Holding Government Accountable

I trust Minnesotans to manage and live their lives without the interference of politicians. From stopping waste and fraud in government, to the decisions we make in our doctor’s offices, we as Minnesotans value responsible governance that makes our lives easier, not harder.


  • Ensure that government spending is in-check, and that lower-income and middle-class Minnesotans reap the benefits of responsible government, not the costs.
  • Keep our budget balanced in St. Paul with the right priorities in mind: our kids, our families, and our communities.
  • Stop government overreach in healthcare, education, and the private choices we make as individuals and families.